![]() ¬DSPA-2000. Contents |
# 02 | Software for adaptive digital filtering spread-spectrum signals in the background of fluctuation noise and narrow-band interference. Zinchuk V.M., Sosulin Yu.G., Limarev A.Ye., Goncharova Ye.I. |
# 03 | Energy detection of signal with unknown amplitude and waveform in the background of gaussian noise with unknown variance. Zinchuk V.M., Sosulin Yu.G., Limarev A.Ye., Kalinin M.M., Macksyuta Yu.N. |
# 05 | Weight vector jitter phenomenon in adaptive antenna array with recursive sample matrix inversion algorithm. Maltsev A.A., Zimina S.V. |
# 06 | Regularization algorythm of radiosystems robust spatial structures synthesis. Parshin Y.N., Gusev S.I. |
# 07 | Technique of side lobes elimination at the discrete signals resolution. Furman Y.A., Krevetsky A.V. |
# 08 | Fast algorithms of radar recognition of the object class on the regularly correlated portraits. Yarmolik S.N., Shaliapin S.V. |
# 09 | Analysis of recognition systems characteristics basing on expansion of multidimensional probability density of output signal by Pollaczek polynomials. Shaliapin S.V., Yarmolik S.N. |
# 12 | The analysis of two methods for estimation of discrete noisy curve's curvature. Bachilo S.A., Lepskiy A.Y., Rybakov O.S. |
# 14 | Analytical method of the geometrical information presentation. Itenberg I.I., Butenkov S.A., Semery O.S., Bachilo S.A. |
# 17 | The effect of dynamic resource adjustment scheduling method on video information transmission parameters. Kurapov A.S. |
# 18 | Marker-controlled watershed algorithm for segmentation of metal's grains. Mavrin G.N., Safonov I.V. |
# 19 | Digital image processing in TV systems of water surface monitoring. Obuchova N.A. |
# 20 | Digital filtering of half-tone images of a Markov type. Petrov E. |
# 21 | Wavelet transform based image recognition algorithm. Plekin V.J., Malyshev A.V. |
# 22 | Research of image suppression algorithms in basis of polynomial conversions (algorithm GDCT). Radchenko Y.S., Savinkov A.Y. |
# 23 | Estimation of definition in standard JPEG. Sai S.V. |
# 24 | The video images digital processing algorithms for an tv-cameras quality estimation. Timofeev B.S. |
# 25 | On acceleration of motion analysis for dynamic image coding. Dvorkovich V.P., Dvorkovich A.V., Sokolov A.Yu. |
# 26 | On the improvement of compression of dynamic images coded according to MPEG-2. Dvorkovich V.P., Sokolov A.Yu. |
# 28 | Iterative restoration of color images. Karnaukhov A.V., Merzlyakov N.S., Milukova O.P. |
# 29 | The digital simulation fractal measurements. Arutyunov P. |
# 30 | Technique of a rating between verifying intervals of group measures in digital measuring systems. Bezuglov D.A., Pomortsev P.M. |
# 32 | Rating of unit of physical size of the group working standard by results of processing the measuring information inside group checkings. Bezuglov D.A., Pomortsev P.M. |
# 33 | Digital signal processing in distributed fiber-optical measuring systems. Belovolov M.I., Platanov S.V., Romanovsky A.S., Chernicov A.S., Chukhrov S.Ju. |
# 34 | Data transfer in a sequence of random numbers. Bespalov E.S., Musyankov M.I., Rodichev P.V. |
# 35 | The compensation of low-frequency stray amplitude modulation in fm radiolocation level-meter. Bolonin V.A., Vityazev V.V., Gusinsky I.S., Ivanov S.V. |
# 36 | Using the methods of linear prediction in fm radolocation level-meter. Bolonin V.A., Vityazev V.V., Gusinsky I.S., Ivanov S.V. |
# 37 | Requirements to digital realization adaptive FM level-meter. Atayanz B.A., Bolonin V.A., Ezerski V.V., Miroshin S.V. |
# 39 | Mining and simulation of methods of compression the telemetry informations at registration the geophysical data. Vityazev V., Zaytsev A. |
# 40 | The method of 2D probability distribution evaluation of 1/f fluctuations in nanoelectronic systems. Ghots S.S., Gallyamov R.R., Bakhtizin R.Z. |
# 42 | Time-saving mass spectral peak parameter estimation for isotopic instruments. Zarutsky I.V., Manoilov V.V. |
# 43 | Intellectualization of measuring procedures. Kostoglotov А.А. |
# 44 | Harmonic retrieval using fourth-order cumulant. Latyshev V.V. |
# 45 | Octave band wavelet-based spectral analysis of signals. Novikov L.V. |
# 46 | Digital spectral analysis of even functions. Perlov Y.M. |
# 47 | Analysis of ambiguity function of systems of digital-coding signals. Plekin V.Y., Kamensky I.V. |
# 48 | To the question of construction of functional digital-to-analog converters. Hakimov R.A., Maksutov A.D., Kolovertnov G.J., Sapelnikov V.M. |
# 49 | Analysis of bio-electrical signals with the reflections on the background of noises. Bernyukov A.K., Kostikin I.J. |
# 50 | LPC speech coder at 1000-1200 bps. Babkin V.V. |
# 51 | The computer simulator of the HF-channel in terms of the structural-physical approach. Vertogradov G.G., Vertogradova E.G. |
# 52 | Application of clamping amplifiers at analog-digital signal processing. Kozlov E. |
# 54 | Dynamic reconfigurable processor adaptive wavelet packet decomposition for audio signal coder. Petrovsky A.A. |
# 55 | System of an acoustic echo and noise cancellation using algorithms with psychoacoustic motivation, on the basis of one processor TMS320C541. Petrovsky A.A., Anoshenko A.E. |
# 56 | Applying psycoacoustics in low bit-rate tone+noise spectral speech coding. Sercov. V., Petrovsky. A. |
# 57 | Methodology of digital frequency demodulator design for programmable logic devices implementation. Steshenko V.B. |
# 58 | The development of algorithms and programs for the construction of the process analytical description based on evolutionary search. Shilov A.K., Shilov D.A., Selyankin V.V. |
# 59 | The high frequency radio channel simulator. Shutov S.L., Ivanov A.P., Zhukov S.V., Kashlov V.V. |
# 65 | Random phase modulation technique in direct digital frequency synthesizers. Pestryakov A.V., Repin A.V. |
# 67 | Perfect observers for singular 2D Roesser model. Kaczorek T. |
# 68 | Standard and singular 1D and 2D positive linear systems. Kaczorek T. |
# 69 | Factoring multivariate polynomial matrices. Woodburn C.J. |
# 70 | Properties of 2-D second order digital filter with saturation nonlinearity and symmetry of coefficients. Balusov I.L., Elagin A.A., Priorov A.L. |
# 71 | Design of 2-D digital filters with the use of the cutoff line. Lukashevich Yu.A., Sudakov A.A., Priorov A.L. |
# 72 | Basic properties and performance of multi-dimensional digital signal processing systems. Mironov V.G., Tchobanou M.K. |
# 73 | Design of multi-dimensional filter banks by using of Bernstein polynomials. Tchobanou M.K. |
# 74 | Design of multi-dimensional recursive filters through rational approximants of the Pade type. Vavilov V.V., Tchobanou M.K. |